Blue diamond almonds' almond breeze almond milk

Photoshop & Illustrator

Consumers are increasingly purchasing both chilled and shelf-stable almond milk for their households. Chilled is used for cereal, smoothies and drinking. Shelf-stable is also used for these purposes, but is also used for cooking and baking. “Dual” users like shelf-stable because they never want to run out of Almond Breeze. It is comforting to know it is in the pantry.

The Ask: Increase usage of shelf-stable Almond Breeze among consumers who are in the almond milk category. Because consumers are having a difficult time finding the shelf-stable Almond Breeze in the store, create pieces that will direct them to the shelf location in the store. California positivity, friendly approachable, authentic, optimistic, lighthearted enjoyment.

Created Pieces:
2 Key Visuals: One cereal-focused. One smoothie-focused.
Aisle Interrupters: Two cereal-focused in dairy aisle and cereal aisle. One smoothie-focused recipe card in produce section.
End Cap: Header, shelf strips, side panel, and cereal-addition ideas...along with cross-selling of other brands to go along with cereal-addition theme.